22:04 Paris time: still "Service are back to normal to the majority of customers we continue to work so there is no impact for any customers". I guess I am in the "unlucky bunch" then. No POP/IMAP, slow SMTP, no access to DNS panel.
As of 20:37 Paris time, e-mail is still not accessible, neither from my e-mail client nor from the website. Website error message: "Error 503 Backend fetch failed. Varnish cache server". Per the timeline on Gandi's website, we are now at 19 hours without e-mail.
I was planning to migrate to Fastmail but I'm curious, how is Fastmail's uptime/service health? It'd be great if their long time customers can share their experience.
22:04 Paris time: still "Service are back to normal to the majority of customers we continue to work so there is no impact for any customers". I guess I am in the "unlucky bunch" then. No POP/IMAP, slow SMTP, no access to DNS panel.
22:17 Paris time : no e-mail. Lyon is now the hinterlands ?
As of 20:37 Paris time, e-mail is still not accessible, neither from my e-mail client nor from the website. Website error message: "Error 503 Backend fetch failed. Varnish cache server". Per the timeline on Gandi's website, we are now at 19 hours without e-mail.
Domaine name transfer out requires a 72 hour delay. Seriously ?!?
Email (IMAP) is still not functional for me but the status page simply says "Degraded Performance" and is all green...
I was planning to migrate to Fastmail but I'm curious, how is Fastmail's uptime/service health? It'd be great if their long time customers can share their experience.
This has been going on for almost 11 hours according to my logs:
Mar 08 17:36:55 ubuntu-vm systemd[1]: Started fetchmail.service - LSB: init-Script for system wide fetchmail daemon.
Mar 09 00:41:55 ubuntu-vm fetchmail[1603]: timeout after 300 seconds waiting for server mail.gandi.net.
Mar 09 00:41:55 ubuntu-vm fetchmail[1603]: socket error while fetching from [REDACTED]@[REDACTED]@mail.gandi.net
Mar 09 00:41:55 ubuntu-vm fetchmail[1603]: Query status=2 (SOCKET) `
After being a customer for about 15 years, finally going to have to move away from Gandi now.
The increased costs of mailboxes was already putting pressure on me to move but an outage of this length is the nail in the coffin.
API is down as well, can make changes to DNS zones, this is insane to have such a long outage.
Can confirm, POP/SMTP has been down since tonight (EU). Oh well, I take this as a motivation to finally move away from them.
Me too - but the ability to transfer via the admin portal is down.
According to their status page it's:
"Service are back to normal to the majority of customers we continue to work so there is no impact for any customers"
I beg to differ.
Yeah, same.
EDIT: yes, it looks like it is not possible to disable "transfer lock". Shame on you Gandi, but you know no shame.