xucian 36 minutes ago

properly marketing doc2exam.com

someone said it's solid but I've already spent so much on other projectcs' marketing that I just don't have the energy to spend more and again see it with 0 users

plus, I have another, easier to monetize project, and trying to move fast with that one

commandersaki 5 hours ago

Breaking into FAANG. I just went through a serious set of interviews, did everything right, and everything seemed positive, but alas was beat out by one or more competing candidates.

bell-cot 13 hours ago

Getting to bed an hour early, in preparation for the start of Daylight Savings time.

MilnerRoute 14 hours ago

I find this an oddly positive question. (As in, "Learn from your failures. Celebrate the bravery of your attempt.")

For me it's an hour-by-hour thing. "I'd hoped to get more done than I did. Maybe the next hour will be better..."

  • mezod 13 hours ago

    That was the spirit of the question, failing is good because it means we are trying :) Failure is part of the process to success (whatever success means to you)